Wine, Mediterranean diet and health Presses Universitaires de Dijon €18.96 Quantity - -+ + Add to cart
The heritage value of local economies - economy | Isabelle Anatole-Gabriel Presses Universitaires de Dijon €18.96 Quantity - + Add to cart
"The Soldiers' Plonk, a History of Wine in France during the Great War (1914-1918) | Christophe Lucand" Presses Universitaires de Dijon €17.06 Quantity - + Add to cart
Quel avenir pour les appellations d'origine ? (French edition): History of the labeling of local products Presses Universitaires de Dijon €18.96 Quantity - + Add to cart
Vin et gastronomie : Regards croisés (French edition) by Olivier Jacquet & Jocelyne Pérard Presses Universitaires de Dijon €20.85 Quantity - + Add to cart
A history of wines and products with controlled designation of origin (AOC), INAO from 1935 to the present day | Serge Wolikow a Presses Universitaires de Dijon €18.96 Quantity - + Add to cart
From the vineyards in Champagne to Champagne wine, from the Bronze Age to the industrial age | Patrick Demouy and Marie-Hélène M Presses Universitaires de Dijon €20.85 Quantity - + Add to cart
Les climats du vignoble de Bourgogne comme patrimoine mondial de l'humanité (French edition) Presses Universitaires de Dijon €18.96 Quantity - + Add to cart
Men and Wines, an anthropology of the Burgundian vineyard | Marion Demossier Presses Universitaires de Dijon €21.68 Quantity - + Add to cart
The heritage sublimation of wine and wine regions by Bernard Cherubini Presses Universitaires de Dijon €17.06 Quantity - + Add to cart
Le goût des vins d'origine (French Edition): Genesis, Construction, and Triumph of the AOC in the 20th Century by Olivier Jacq Presses Universitaires de Dijon €30.33 Quantity - + Add to cart