How were the Mont-Blanc massif, the Dune du Pilat, and Mont-Saint-Michel formed? Why are there volcanoes in the Massif Central? Why do we find sandstone in the Vosges, sand in Fontainebleau, and granite in Brittany? Throughout his "tour de France," François Michel, a geologist by training and a high mountain guide, looks at landscapes from both the perspective of a hiker and a geologist: he deciphers the geological history, reveals and interprets the mysteries and peculiarities of each region and site. Vegetation, relief, subsoil, and human context are explained and placed in the long succession of phenomena from ancient eras that have shaped the countless wonders of the French landscapes.
Revised and corrected edition
François Michel, a geologist by training and a high mountain guide, taught Earth sciences for many years. He is a collaborator of BRGM and UNICEM (National Union of Quarrying Industries and Materials), and the author of numerous popular science books, films, and educational materials in the field of Earth sciences.
BRGM (French Geological Survey) is the public institution of reference in the application of Earth sciences to manage soil and subsurface resources and risks.