The Cost of Supplies in Viticulture 2025 is the essential tool for winegrowers and sector professionals wishing to optimize their economic and technical choices. This 54th edition, produced by the IFV and the Chamber of Agriculture, details the regulatory developments and the updated costs of viticultural supplies. Product comparisons, practical advice, and price indicators provide a reliable guide to refine your strategic decisions.
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The Cost of Supplies in Viticulture 2025
Technical and Regulatory Developments (54th Edition) | IFV & CA
An essential guide for informed technical and economic choices
For several decades, The Cost of Supplies in Viticulture is the reference system of the winegrowers and of the agricultural professionals wishing to master their expenses while respecting the regulatory standards. This 54th edition, updated for the year 2025, allows for the analysis of the developments of the price of vineyard supplies, while integrating the latest regulations and agricultural techniques.
The main objective of this document is to provide a decision-making aid for winegrowers by offering them:
This guide is not intended to be exhaustive but aims to provide a clear vision current economic and technical trends.
Each year, the development of this guide is the result of the work of two key bodies:
1. The Technical Commission
2. The Editorial Committee
The data from the guide comes from multiple sources:
The displayed prices are averages or trends and do not constitute absolute values. However, they allow for the evaluation of discrepancies and the optimization of purchasing choices.
The wine industry is subject to strict regulations, particularly regarding the use of Plant protection products.
This guide does not serve as a legal reference and does not replace official documents.
Data sheet