Discover Valorization of Wine Making By-Products, an essential book on the valorization of winemaking by-products. This book explores the recovery processes for sustainable agriculture, transforming waste into value-added products. It addresses technological, legislative, and economic aspects, offering insights for the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and food industries. An essential guide for wine and environmental professionals.
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The Winemaking generates a significant amount of waste and by-products, of which only a tiny part is currently being exploited. Valorization of Wine Making By-Products, written by Matteo Bordiga, propose an in-depth analysis of the possibilities of retrieval and transformation of these untapped resources. This work is part of the dynamic of the sustainable development, which aims to reduce waste and add value to wine by-products through innovative processes.
The by-products of wine, such as the Marks, lees, and raids, have strong potential as Sources of bioactive compounds. These can be used in many sectors, including:
The author details the technological processes allowing the recovery and valorization of wine by-products. Among them:
The book highlights the regulations in force and the challenges related to the Profitability of wine by-product valorization. With the evolution of environmental policies and the rise ofCircular economy, wine companies now have the opportunity to transform their waste into sustainable sources of income.
This book constitutes a valuable reference for the:
With its 365 pages rich in information, , Valorization of Wine Making By-Products offers a detailed look at the scientific advancements and future prospects of the sector.
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