General manual of wines. Production of sparkling wines, by E. Robinet,...Publication date: 1877This book is a faithful reproduction of a work published before 1920 and is part of a collection of reprinted books published by Hachette Livre, in partnership with the National Library of France, offering the opportunity to access ancient and often rare works from the heritage collections of the BnF.The works in this collection have been digitized by the BnF and are available on Gallica, its digital library.By bringing these works back to life through a collection of reprinted books on demand, we give them the opportunity to reach a wider audience and contribute to the transmission of knowledge and often hard-to-access information.We have sought to reconcile the faithful reproduction of an ancient book from its digitized version with the concern for optimal reading comfort. We hope that the works in this new collection will bring you complete satisfaction.For more information, visit www.hachettebnf.fr