Muscadet Sèvre-et-Maine - Pure Loire from Amare | Samuel Cogliati
  • Muscadet Sèvre-et-Maine - Pure Loire from Amare | Samuel Cogliati
  • Muscadet Sèvre-et-Maine - Pure Loire from Amare | Samuel Cogliati
  • Muscadet Sèvre-et-Maine - Pure Loire from Amare | Samuel Cogliati
  • Muscadet Sèvre-et-Maine - Pure Loire from Amare | Samuel Cogliati
  • Muscadet Sèvre-et-Maine - Pure Loire from Amare | Samuel Cogliati
  • Muscadet Sèvre-et-Maine - Pure Loire from Amare | Samuel Cogliati

Muscadet Sèvre-et-Maine - Pure Loire from Amare | Samuel Cogliati

Possibilia editore

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di Samuel Cogliati 

«Tanto vale confessarlo subito: il muscadet è uno dei vini bianchi che amo di più. A due condizioni, però: che sia buono e che non sia troppo giovane. La prima condizione sembra lapalissiana e pleonastica, la seconda un paradosso. Invece non sono né l’una né l’altra cosa».

Samuel Cogliati
Italian 🇮🇹
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"I might as well confess it right away: muscadet is one of the white wines I love the most. Under two conditions, though: that it is good and not too young. The first condition seems obvious and redundant, the second a paradox. Yet it is neither of them."

It is not common for an author to dedicate an entire, extensive monograph to a wine that is so mistreated and relegated to the sidelines of the major media circuits. Muscadet is not part of the "important" wines. However, when one has the opportunity to delve deeply into its merits and peculiarities, it becomes apparent that it is a wine of considerable cultural value, as well as gustatory. With this concise volume, Samuel Cogliati wanted to restore to it some of the attention and consideration it deserves.

Samuel Cogliati, Italian-French, was born in Lyon (France) in 1976. He is a publisher, writer, and trainer. He has been involved in the wine industry for fifteen years, with a particular interest in French wines. He is the author of several books, including Champagne – The Fragile Dream (Possibilia Publisher, 2013), Champagne. The Sacrifice of a Terroir (Porthos Editions, 2008), Natural Wines – What Are They? (Possibilia Publisher, 2014). He is also a translator and editor of other volumes, including the French magazine LeRouge&leBlanc, of which he is an associate member.


• Muscadet Sèvre-et-Maine
• Breaking down common misconceptions
• The terroir
• The designations
• The grape variety
• Drinking muscadet
• Tasting and the wineries
• Domaine Michel Brégeon • Vincent Caillé – Le Fay d’Homme • Bruno Cormerais • Domaine de l’Écu • Domaines Landron • Domaine Pierre Luneau-Papin • Domaine de la Pépière

Technical details

• Pocket size (11.5 x 16.5 cm) ­ cover in Tintoretto chalk paper Fedrigoni 300 gsm
• ISBN: 978-88-98753-21-5
• 64 pages illustrated with color photographs and geographical and geological maps
• A careful selection of the best wineries and wines
• First edition Possibilia Publisher, April 2017



Data sheet

Samuel Cogliati
Italian 🇮🇹
Possibilia editore
Number of pages
12 x 17 cm
Date of publication
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