Since the appearance of wine, all kinds and colors of it have been consumed. But has wine fundamentally changed throughout its history? In this interview with Sophie Brissaud, Pierre Guigui discusses wine from its Caucasian and Near Eastern origins, examining it through archaeological and mythological perspectives. He reveals that wine has always told the same story, revolving around three categories: rudimentary wines for the less affluent classes, elite wines symbolizing social privilege, and intermediate wines for the middle classes, better made than the former, yet less glamorous than the latter. Today, this category is represented by natural, organic, and small-producer wines. The evolution of wine has also been marked by techniques, tools, transport, and storage containers, which have continuously altered the taste and perception of wine. They have also influenced trade, consumption patterns, and wine accessibility across social strata. A lively conversation shedding light on a beverage that has remained both sacred and secular throughout millennia, with its fundamental criteria remaining unchanged.