What wines did the kings of France, the Roman emperors, Cleopatra, or Marie-Antoinette drink? What wines do Brad Pitt, astronauts in space, top athletes, writers, or leading scientists drink today? A common point unites all the women and men listed in this book: they are all universally famous, whether they are French, English, American, Chinese, Russian, Spanish, etc. What wine does a current star drink or what wine did a historical figure drink? Surprisingly, to our knowledge, this subject has never been addressed as such before! We have been working on it for months and have compiled a list of a little over 200 wine lovers, from antiquity to the present day. Politicians, sovereigns, actors, singers, writers, athletes, scientists... You will find the complete list attached. Anecdotes and historical facts are associated, with humor and lightness, with seriousness and references, for wine lovers as well as the general public... Yes! The ambition of this book is to be "for the general public." It is by no means a new book of wine critiques, nor a history book on wine and its varieties or viticulture. Instead, it is a completely original and new book.