Wine: nothing is more familiar in our memories, our landscapes, and our terroirs. And yet, as our lifestyles change, it sometimes becomes the poor relative of a diet that we want to be light and healthy. But do we really know what wine is, what it contains, its effects on our metabolism and our health? Wine is a food, low in calories, with a content of polyphenols and trace elements that have cardinal virtues when it is part of a meal, as it helps digestion. Today reintroduced in many diets, it is reclaiming the health benefits it has enjoyed since antiquity, as evidenced by the specialists interviewed by Laure Gasparotto. Drinking the wine that suits our metabolism, at the table, and with the moderation that is necessary, this is what this uniquely practical guide invites us to do: a health assessment of wines according to regions and grape varieties, according to different types of metabolism. Sidebars on the aperitif, rosé, or natural wines provide readers of this book with all the necessary tools to understand the health benefits of wine.