The Wine Map please - The new atlas of the world's vineyards | Jules Gaubert-Turpin, Adrien Grant Smith Bianchi
  • The Wine Map please - The new atlas of the world's vineyards | Jules Gaubert-Turpin, Adrien Grant Smith Bianchi
  • The Wine Map please - The new atlas of the world's vineyards | Jules Gaubert-Turpin, Adrien Grant Smith Bianchi

The Wine Map please - The new atlas of the world's vineyards | Jules Gaubert-Turpin, Adrien Grant Smith Bianchi


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Nouvelle édition augmentée : 56 pays, 140 cartes, 8 000 ans d’histoire

Des bords de la mer Noire à la cordillère des Andes,  la culture du vin a roulé sa barrique en suivant l’Homme et ses rêves. Comment un cépage pyrénéen s’est retrouvé en Uruguay ? Par quel moyen la vigne a-t-elle pu atteindre le Japon ?

Ce livre remonte le temps pour retracer la conquête du raisin en s’arrêtant sur chaque pays viticole, du plus ancien au plus récent, pour parler d’hier et d’aujourd’hui, en attendant demain.

Jules Gaubert-Turpin, Adrien Grant Smith Bianchi
French 🇫🇷
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Ready for a great wine world tour?

From the shores of the Black Sea to the Andes mountain range, wine culture has rolled its barrel following Man and his dreams. How did a Pyrenean grape variety end up in Uruguay? By what means did the vine manage to reach Japan?

This book traces back in time to recount the conquest of the grape, stopping in each wine-producing country, from the oldest to the most recent, to talk about yesterday and today, while waiting for tomorrow.

(Re)discover wines from around the world through geographical maps.

A new fully revised and expanded edition of this bestseller with:

  • Over 200 pages dedicated to the 12 main wine-producing countries (France, Italy, United States, Spain…
  • Enhanced maps
  • Double pages on grape varieties

An essential book for beginners and wine enthusiasts curious to discover that there is still a lot of joy to taste!



Data sheet

Jules Gaubert-Turpin, Adrien Grant Smith Bianchi
French 🇫🇷
Number of pages
26 x 35 cm
Date of publication
September 7, 2022