SPIRITS, ALCOHOLS, THE AROMATIC FRACTION OF BEVERAGES. This compendium was drawn up and approved by the Sub-Commission on Methods of Analysis and Appraisal of Wines, set up at the I.O.V. for the application of the International Convention for the Unification of Methods of Analysis and Appraisal of Wines of 13 October 1954. According to the terms of this recognition (Resolution OENO 6/94), methods that have not yet been validated will be validated through collaborative analyses. Most of these methods are already validated, either through use or as methods already approved in the International Compendium of Methods for the Analysis of Wines, while those that have not yet been approved will be validated in the near future through collaborative analyses. ED: O.I.V. (1994) 15 x 24 cm, 311 pages, softcover