"The Stalin's Wine Cellar" is simply THE most fascinating wine book of recent years. It is about a huge underground cellar of over 40,000 bottles, hidden in Georgia, the former Soviet state. This cellar belonged to Josef Stalin and originated from the last Russian tsar, Nicholas II, and his father, Alexander III, confiscated after the execution of the Tsar and his family. It was hidden by Stalin in Tbilisi, Georgia, near his birthplace, as he feared that Hitler would invade Russia and confiscate the wine collection. The collection includes over 200 bottles of Château d'Yquem, other great Sauternes, and the finest Bordeaux Grand Crus, vintages over 150 years old. A wine treasure probably unmatched in the world. What makes the story incredibly exciting is its discovery by a couple of wine merchants from Sydney, whose numerous adventures turn this book into a real thriller.