Glougueule, an exciting adventure born from the alliance of three friends, Michel Tolmer, Philippe Quesnot and Sylvie Augereau, constitutes an essential pillar of the Athenaeum's offer of satirical posters on wine.

A graduate of the École Supérieure d'Arts Graphiques, Michel Tolmer, a talented painter and graphic designer, evolves in the world of "free and natural" winegrowers. His work, both tender and offbeat, reflects the soul of the feast and adapts perfectly to this intoxicating world.

Philippe Quesnot, after briefly working in a design office in Paris, decides to settle in the South. In 1980, he left his initial profession to become a "neighborhood grocer" in Grasse. It was there that he met various winegrowers who introduced him to natural wines, triggering a deep passion in him. Today, his convenience store houses one of the finest selections of natural wines in the South. In 2008, Philippe Quesnot and Michel Tolmer joined forces to create the Glougueule site.

Sylvie Augereau, truly passionate about natural wines, is an energetic force with deep convictions. Organizer of natural wine fairs and specialized journalist, she is also a winegrower. This passion is reflected in its natural wines, which stand out for their authenticity and their expression of the terroir.

Together, they founded the Glougueule editions, a unique project that embodies their dedication to natural wines. Discover this exceptional selection at Athenaeum, where you can also immerse yourself in a world of carefully chosen wine books and wine posters for amateurs and connoisseurs.

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