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Lighting: Fasting and wine

A major subject... The future of our vineyards rests in part on the younger generations. And, in this regard, the published studies* are cause for alarm. First of all, the context: between 1960 and 2022, the average individual consumption of wine fell by 60%. Regular consumers – almost every day – who still represented 51% of the French population in 1980, only accounted for 11% of the population in 2022... Drinking wine occasionally is now the norm. Behind these key figures, there are significant disparities between ages. Thus, in 2022, 21% of 35-49 year olds and over 50 years old consumed wine every week compared to 15% of 18-34 year olds. In this last age group, 39% of them did not drink wine at all... There are many reasons for this disenchantment among young people. More than others, this generation has largely integrated the concept of moderation. For many of them, sobriety is trendy. In fact, wine and, more broadly, alcohol, are no longer inseparable from celebration. Moreover, among the under-35s, wine remains an "old" drink. Hence a certain inclination to shun it. Finally, in their eyes, it remains a complex, even elitist and sacred product. But the picture is not so bleak, fortunately. A few facts and data make you smile. Young people have an encouraging representation of wine for our winemakers. It is, for them, a necessarily French product; What's more, it's very much linked to the moments shared with the family. Even better, whites, rosés and sparkling wines do well as an aperitif and dessert. Something to cheer up and, above all, to encourage uninhibited discourse on wine. To the wise...

*Ipsos Observer study (Dec. 2023), Infog study (Feb. 2023), Decryption "The TikTok generation and wine"