Insurrection culturelle (French edition) by Olivier Beuvelet, Jonathan Nossiter
  • Insurrection culturelle (French edition) by Olivier Beuvelet, Jonathan Nossiter

Insurrection culturelle (French edition) by Olivier Beuvelet, Jonathan Nossiter


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Cultural Insurrection by Olivier Beuvelet and Jonathan Nossiter explores the future of art in a market-dominated world. This book proposes an ecology of culture inspired by natural winemakers, calling for a joyful quiet revolution. With a paperback format, 270 pages, and published by Stock, this book is a guide for those seeking an alternative path, away from cultural standardization.

Jonathan Nossiter, Olivier Beuvelet
French 🇫🇷
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Cultural Insurrection (French edition), written by Olivier Beuvelet and Jonathan Nossiter, is an essential work for anyone questioning the future of art and culture in our contemporary society. This book, published by Stock, raises essential questions: what if, in ten years, an artist, like a filmmaker, becomes as marginal as a blacksmith? And what if the actors in the cultural world are on the verge, not of disappearing, but worse, of falling in line, absorbed by the market?

In this context, Cultural Insurrection stands as a guide for a new ecology of culture. An ecology that no longer draws inspiration from artistic elites, but from natural winemakers. These artisans of the land have taken up the torch of protest abandoned by artists. By favoring agricultural practices that respect the environment and humanity, these winemakers have shown that it is possible to resist the homogenizing forces of the globalized market.

Thus, the book invites a quiet revolution, a joyful insurrection that involves a return to the roots, grounding in reality, and rejection of cultural standardization. Far from being a pessimistic manifesto, Cultural Insurrection offers an optimistic and concrete vision of what a truly rebellious and free culture could be.

Technical details:

  • Format: Paperback
  • EAN13: 9782234079069
  • ISBN: 978-2-234-07906-9
  • Publisher: Stock
  • Publication date: 21/10/2015
  • Collection: Essays - Documents
  • Number of pages: 270
  • Dimensions: 22 x 14 cm
  • Weight: 337 g
  • Language: French

Cultural Insurrection is a work aimed at all those who refuse to see culture absorbed by market laws. It addresses readers who, like the natural winemakers, still believe in the importance of craftsmanship, authenticity, and resistance against standardization. This book is an invitation to rethink our relationship with culture, to consider it as a space of freedom where innovation and rebellion can still thrive.

Olivier Beuvelet and Jonathan Nossiter remind us that true cultural insurrection will not take place in museums or cinemas, but in the fields, vineyards, and all places where creativity is still synonymous with resistance.

In conclusion, Cultural Insurrection is more than just a book; it is a call to action for all those who wish to see culture reclaim its subversive and contesting role. Through concrete examples and a clear analysis of our times, the authors show us the way to ensure that art and culture once again become forces of social transformation.

Order your copy of Cultural Insurrection now and join the movement for a free and rebellious culture.



Data sheet

Jonathan Nossiter, Olivier Beuvelet
French 🇫🇷
Number of pages
Date of publication