An armchair guide to corkscrews with over 700 color photographs and 3600 illustrated and documented examples, The Ultimate Corkscrew Book showcases the diversity and creativity that has occurred in the production of corkscrews over the last several hundred years. Remarkably, all examples featured in this extensive volume come from one source: the author's personal collector. Longtime collector of corkscrews, author Donald A. Bull displays the breadth of his collection through categorical examples of Eclectic Corkscrews, Figural Corkscrews, Corkscrew knives, and Miscellaneous Corkscrews along with their current market values. These items reflect the labors of a most relentless and diligent pursuit on the author's part, which has resulted in one of the most Comprehensive collections of corkscrews ever amassed. This text will truly open the eyes of every devotee, from the novice to the true addict, enticing all to explore the entire range of this twisted hobby.ED : SCHIFFER, (1999), 23 x 31 cm, 318 pages, Cartonné