Discover The Soil: An Investigation into an Endangered Asset by Frédéric Denhez, a dive into the alarming reality of the disappearance of fertile lands in France. Under the impact of asphalt, residential areas, and hypermarkets, our essential common asset, the soil, is deteriorating. This book, published by Flammarion, offers concrete solutions to preserve our environment and ensure our food future. An essential read for everyone who wishes to understand and act.
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The Soil: Investigation into an Endangered Resource by Frédéric Denhez is a poignant and well-documented investigation into the ecological crisis affecting France. Every second, 26 m² of fertile land disappears under the onslaught of asphalt, suburban areas, and hypermarkets, depriving our territory of precious resources. This alarming situation endangers our ability to feed a growing global population.
In this book published by Flammarion, the author travels across the country, interviewing conventional farmers and organic enthusiasts, committed mayors, and concerned researchers. This investigative work reveals a worrying reality: the increasing scarcity of soil is accompanied by a loss of its essential functions, such as water filtration, carbon storage, and ecosystem regulation.
Frédéric Denhez doesn't just provide an overview. He debunks many misconceptions, such as the supposed benefits of zero carbon or the idealism of all-organic. Through a series of concrete proposals, he calls for a revolution in mindsets to finally stop ruining this common good that is the soil.
This book, presented in a pocket format, is an essential read for anyone questioning the future of our food supply, landscapes, and planet. With a striking style and clear analyses, Denhez paves the way for awareness and immediate action.
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